Training is what differentiates EC Clean Agencies from our competitors. All instruction is quality assured by an accredited FETC and facilitated by industry qualified personnel. Notwithstanding our product trainings registration, our methodology and material are benchmarked against international industry best practice.
Instruction is offered both on and off-site at our training venue and can be facilitated in English, Afrikaans and Xhosa. Facilitation consists of both theoretical knowledge, as well as practical demonstration, and for larger installations, resources are dedicated to assist with roll-out.
Albeit important, installation training comprises only one of our intervention as it is our ethos that core knowledge needs to be reinforced. Our trainers are therefore on hand to assist clients with refresher, or reinforcement training, subject to availability.
Our product training is exclusively available on EC Clean Agencies products and is not accredited with the SETAs or the Department of Higher Education and Training. All candidates who undergo training are presented with a certificate of attendance as confirmation.
For clients who require accredited training, EC Clean Agencies is a proud part of the Acorn Black Investment family of companies whose members include Siyaya Skills Institute.
Siyaya Skills Institute
Siyaya is a registered Further Education and Training College with full Service Seta accreditation and has various NQF aligned vocational qualifications, as well as shorter unit standard aligned skills programs available to EC Clean Agencies customers at preferential rates.